Compelling Value Creation
Please select the links below to see how our leadership engagement roles and competitive advantage can help your business.
New Business - Business start-up
Acceler8 Leadership Engagement Roles |
Acceler8 Competitive Advantage |
- Supplier Development/Qualifications
- Manufacturing Layout and Design
- Capital Sourcing and Installation Management
- Logistics and Distribution Negotiations/NetWork Setup
- Strategic and Operating Plan Development
- Team Structure Design
Global leadership in constructing and implementing critical strategic commerical and operational platforms and processes |
Small and Mid/Sized Established Enterprise
Acceler8 Leadership Engagement Roles |
Acceler8 Competitive Advantage |
- Global Supply Chain Assesments
- Process Analysis, Efficiency Reviews
- Network Analysis and Logistics Optimization
- Global Sourcing Intiatives and Best Practices
- Total Cost of Ownership and Product Engineering
- Manufacturing Lean/Six Sigma Programs
Rapid assessment, prioritization and execution planning to achieve step-change gains in profitability, cash flow improvement and customer service and fulfillment levels |
Private Equity/Holding Companies
Acceler8 Leadership Engagement Roles |
Acceler8 Competitive Advantage |
- Leveraged Procurement Strategies
- Logistics Optimization and Consolidation
- SIOP Platform Deployment
- Operational Platforms
- Maturity Path Development
- Strategic and Annual Operating Plan Development/Execution
- Acquisition Integration
Leadership in deployment of best in class platforms, processes and execution methodologies across the portfolio. Sustaining mothly direction and leadership to ensure gains are realized |
Acceler8 Leadership Engagement Roles |
Acceler8 Competitive Advantage |
- Project Leadership to Accelerate Implementations
- New Supply Chain Set-up and Qualifications
- Global Supplier Development and Qualification
- Operational Excellence
- Schedule/Sequencing Optimization
- Maturity Path Assessments, Gap Analysis
- New Product Development Pipelines and Processes
- Market Segmentation, Commercial Strategy Development
Enhanced proven, effective, leadership resources to attack specific critical strategic plan elements. Increased velocity in executing critical profit, cash and service improvement imperatives |